1. How did you first get into Pilates?
    After suffering an ankle injury, the surgeon suggested I try Pilates to help me with my rehabilitation. As a competitive athlete, I was unsure if something called “Pilates” would assist in my recovery. After the first session, I was hooked! It wasn’t long before I realized how beneficial Pilates was to my overall skating performance as well as in my life.
  2. How do you ensure you keep developing within the pilates discipline?
    As an instructor, we encourage and nourish our clients with intelligence and insight to help them become stronger. Those same principles apply to ourselves as instructors. Continuing to fuel my passion for Pilates, I’m always looking for new and innovative exercises or educational opportunities.
  3. What do you feel are the ways that Pilates helps your clients?
    The essence and movement principles of Pilates go hand in hand with an active lifestyle. From a competitive athlete to an 80 year old grandma who wants to stay active, the work of Pilates has something to offer everyone.
  4. Share your experience of teaching/being at Pilates Academy Dubai
    Teaching at The Pilates Academy of Dubai was an incredible experience. Not only are the other instructors and clients welcoming and open to new ideas and movements, each studio is furnished with the most up to date equipment and offers gorgeous views.I look forward to returning to Dubai to share and receive more Pilates knowledge and insight.
  5. Where can we usually find your teaching?
    As a Balanced Body Master Instructor I’m often teaching throughout the world at various studios and Pilates on Tours, yet, I call Sacramento California my home. When time allows you can follow me on Instagram at Karyn.laverne.pilates.

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